August 11 Brighton to Picton

Distance: 63.22 km
Saddle time: 03:07:57
Average speed: 20.2
Elevation gain: 196 m

Good day today. After opening ceramonies 4 of us guides set up for traffic control and the 150 participants launched as a group. Nice easy day: few hills and only a slight breeze. Making good time till I had time repair a participants flat tire and now we are the last ones. Even the red bibbed sweeps have caught up to us!

Carrying cross was waiting for with chocolate milk, cookies and apples. Great lunch at the Painted Post with Vicki and Charity in Wellington. Nadia was already there with her friend Terry.


August 4 – at home

Here's me with my road bike.
Here’s me with my road bike.
At the Terry Fox memorial in Thunder Bay.
At the Terry Fox memorial in Thunder Bay.

Did a 31 k ride this am. Set a record time and made it home just as the thunder storm started.

The photo of me with the road bike was taken and uploaded from my cell phone. I’ll need to do this during my trip.

My Bike Ride to Halifax

Welcome to my first attempt at creating an interesting blog.

So far this year I rode my bicycle to Winnipeg from Espanola to help my daughter move. That trip was awesome – fantastic scenery, moose, bear, deer, foxes, cold mornings of 1C, 6 flats. The year before I had ridden from my house in Cobourg to Sudbury via Espanola for a family reunion. That was a ride to remember – the 6 hottest days of the year, two broken chains and a flat. So now I will ride from Cobourg to Halifax. That will make it half way across Canada…I’ll have to do the west for another time.

I am no novice at long distance bike riding. A friend and I biked across the US in 2010, coast to coast. From Newport Beach Oregon to Rye Beach New Hampshire. A great trip. He is now walking the Pacific Crest Trail. I couldn’t make that trip since I went to Nepal on a different adventure.